Archons Of The Past Jaw Ftri9i To Ask
Bghiti Dnya Wla Dar and I Said
De9t T3m Lma3rifa Wa Jani Ldid
Wselt Demourge Wana Nrj3 Chdid
Chadid Al Salah Mani3 Lmassa2
Masa2 Lile F3hd Seif Lile Noble Walakin Vampiric, Philosophic And Metaphysic
Authentic In a Cyber Punk Realm With Creativity and Benevolence, Sophira How Are You Today ?
Knowledge Wla Gnosis Ana Ou7ibo l3ilm
Badi3 Al Silm, Sari3 Lfikr,
Chariiss like a Fariisee
Seif Ri7 swift like Air Fast and Fair
About Me
Omar Alami Known As Euryeth, Artist and Digital Marketer, Writer, Tactician, Musician โฆ I Think The Abilities Of People Transcend Definitions in Words and Labels Among Other Things, I Do Have a Purpose and I Do Have A Goal and A Plan, And I Will Do My Ultimate Best In Achieving It While Being a Lotus of Wealth and Knowledge in Order To Shape a Better Future, To Have Value and To Be Able To Actually Help In Materialistic Verse and In The Virtual and Spiritual and Emotional โฆ